
Lockdown easing in England delayed to 19 July

24th June 2021

The final stage of easing lockdown restrictions in England is to be delayed until 19 July
  • Step 4 of the Roadmap will be paused for four weeks following a significant rise in the more transmissible Delta variant, which will allow delivery of the vaccination programme to be accelerated
  • It is expected that England will move to Step 4 on 19 July, though the data will be reviewed after 2 weeks in case the risks have reduced.
  • The government will continue to monitor the data, and the move to Step 4 will be confirmed one week in advance
National Restrictions – What is changing from 21 June?


Weddings, civil partnerships, funerals, wakes and commemorative events 
  • The 30-person limit at weddings, civil partnerships, funerals, wakes and commemorative events will be lifted 
  • The number of attendees will be determined by how many people the venue or outdoor space can safely accommodate with social distancing measures in place
  • Table service restrictions will remain in place
  • Restrictions on face coverings, social distancing, dancing and singing, will remain in place
  • All weddings in private settings, such as gardens, must have completed a COVID risk assessment to ascertain how many guests they can host safely
Care homes
  • Care home residents will no longer need to self-isolate for 14 days after returning to the care home after a day out.  Exceptions will include high risk visits including overnight stays in hospital. 
  • Care home residents can nominate an essential care giver who will be able to visit the care home resident even if the resident is self-isolating 
Overnight trips for out-of-school groups
  • Out-of-school settings can organise domestic residential visits for children in consistent groups of up to 30 children. This replaces the current limit of 6 people or 2 households
Going to work
  • People should continue to work from home where they can
Pilot mass gathering events
  • Event pilots will continue, including some Euro 2020 matches, Wimbledon, and some arts and music performances. Attendees will need to show proof of vaccination or a recent negative test.




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